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Mnemosine (Les Charmes de la Vie/7), 1981-84


Mnemosyne (Les Charmes de la Vie/7)

Acrylic-painted canvas, primed canvases, gilt frame

Painted canvas 160 x 240 cm, three canvases 40 x 60 cm each, two canvases 60 x 90 cm each, one canvas 80 x 120 cm, frame 40 x 60 cm, overall dimensions 220 x 300 cm

Giancarlo and Danna Olgiati Collection

Mnemosine (Les Charmes de la Vie) is the general title of a cycle of works, initially designed to contain nine episodes (an analogy with the number of letters contained in the name Mnemosyne, mother of the nine Muses), but in the end condensed into just six parts (GPO-0460, GPO-0504, GPO-0511, GPO-0599, GPO-0621, GPO-0677). A common denominator is the presence of one or more paintings, reproducing the details of Jean-Antoine Watteau's painting entitled Les Charmes de la Vie (1717-18). The canvases, commissioned by Paolini from a scenic painter, comprise the division into nine equal parts of an enlarged copy of the eighteenth-century painting, absent the figures that originally filled it. From one work to the other, the artist associated to the details of the painting a corresponding number of objects: for instance, he added two elements to the second detail, seven elements to the seventh detail, and so on and so forth. From one station to another, the principal elements making up the spatiality of Watteau's painting – sky, chair, columns, floor – are staged in echoes and amplifications, in declaredly theatrical terms in harmony with the register used by the French painter.
Time after time Watteau's scene becomes a stage that by definition opens up a painting before the gaze of the person overlooking its threshold: the space of the representation, with its artifices and its intimate theatricality.
In the third episode of the cycle, the seventh detail of Watteau's painting (the lower left corner) is set down on the ground and associated with seven different elements: six primed canvases seen from the recto or the verso, arranged before, behind, or just above the painted canvas, and a gilded frame, placed so that it looks like it was propped up against the chair represented in the scene.

Jean-Antoine Watteau, Les Charmes de la Vie, 1717-18, oil on canvas, 69 x 90 cm, The Wallace Collection, London; reproduction from L’opera completa di Watteau. Classici dell’arte 21 (Milan: Rizzoli, 1968), plates XII and XIII.

1984 Milan, Studio Marconi, Giulio Paolini, from 9 February, not repr.
1986-87 Rivoli, Castello di Rivoli, Markus Lüpertz, Giulio Paolini: figure, colonne, finestre, 19 December 1986 - 29 March 1987, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 51 p. 117, repr. p. 123 (exhibition view).
1987 Nagoya, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Giulio Paolini, 31 October - 20 December, cited in the checklist of exhibited works and repr. p. 50 (exhibition view), repr. pp. 28-29 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87).
1990 New York, SteinGladstone Gallery, Zorio, Mario Merz, Paolini, July - September (same installation as for the solo exhibition in Milan 1984).
1999 Frechen-Bachem, Galerie Jule Kewenig, Les Adieux, from 7 November.
2007 Lugano, Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Affinità e complementi. Opere dai musei svizzeri in dialogo con la Collezione del Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano, 6 June - 9 September, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 141, col. repr. p. 163.
2012-14 Lugano, Spazio -1, Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati, from 23 June, in the exhibition guide published in 2013 repr. p. 56.
2015 Lugano, Spazio -1, Teatro di Mnemosine. Giulio Paolini d’après Watteau, 12 September 2015 - 10 January 2016, col. repr. pp. [18-21] (exhibition views), 87, referred to in the texts by B. Della Casa p. 43 and B. Cinelli p. 73, note to the work by M. Disch p. 86; in the catalogue of the Olgiati Collezione published at the same time as the exhibition cited in the checklist of exhibited works p. 13, repr. p. [10] (exhibition view).
2017 Lugano, Spazio -1, A Collection in Progress, 30 September - 10 December, no catalogue.
2021 Lugano, Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati, selection of works from the collection, 12 September 2021 - 9 January 2022, no catalogue.
2023 Lugano, Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati, selection of works from the collection, no catalogue
Incrocio: un racconto, exhibition catalogue, Erice, “La Salerniana” (Milan: Nuove edizioni Gabriele Mazzotta, 1987), repr. p. 61 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87).
G. Paolini, Suspense. Breve storia del vuoto in tredici stanze (Florence: Hopeful Monster editore, 1988), repr. p. 93 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87).
A. Vettese, “Giulio Paolini”, in Flash Art 143 (Milan, Italian edition), March-April, 1988, col. repr. p. 58 (exhibition view Nagoya 1987, flipped horizontally).
Storie dell’occhio 1. Fotografi ed eventi artistici in Italia dal ’60 all’‘80, exhibition catalogue, Modena, Galleria Civica, Palazzina dei Giardini Pubblici (Modena: Edizioni Cooptip, 1988), repr. no. 211 p. 230 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87, detail).
G. Celant, Giulio Paolini. Tra Telaio e Paolini (Turin: Gruppo GFT, 1988), col. repr. p. 21 (exhibition view Milan 1984).
Italiana. From Arte Povera to Transavanguardia, exhibition catalogue, Yokohama, Nicaf 3 (Milan: Fondazione Mudima Edizioni, 1994), col. repr. p. 202 (exhibition view Nagoya 1987).
M. Disch, “Giulio Paolini. Hors-d’oeuvre”, in Giulio Paolini. La voce del pittore – Scritti e interviste 1965-1995, edited by Id. (Lugano: ADV Publishing House, 1995), p. 89, repr. no. 17 (exhibition view Milan 1984).
Giulio Paolini. Von heute bis gestern / Da oggi a ieri, exhibition catalogue, Graz, Neue Galerie im Landesmuseum Joanneum (Ostfildern-Ruit: Cantz Verlag, 1998), repr. p. 263 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87, erroneously dated “1981-88”).
N. Bätzner, Arte Povera. Zwischen Erinnerung und Ereignis: Giulio Paolini, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jannis Kounellis (Nuremberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2000), pp. 67, 70, 72, 78-79 (pp. 64-90 in general on the cycle titled Mnemosine (Les Charmes de la Vie)), col. repr. p. 66 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87).
Giulio Paolini. L’ora X, exhibition catalogue, Venice, Fondazione Querini Stampalia (Prato: Gli Ori, 2004), repr. p. 72 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87, erroneously dated “1981-88”).
Castello di Rivoli 20 anni d’arte contemporanea, Rivoli, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea (Milan: Skira editore, 2005), col. repr. p. 63 (exhibition view Rivoli 1986-87).
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 2 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 511 p. 522, col. repr. (exhibition view Nagoya 1987).
Collezione Christian Stein. Una storia dell'arte italiana / A History of Italian Art (Valencia-Lugano-Milan: IVAM Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Museo Cantonale d'Arte and Mondadori Electa, 2010), col. repr. p. 309 (exhibition view New York 1990).
G. Celant, Arte Povera. Storia e storie (Milan: Mondadori Electa, 2011), col. repr. p. 221 (exhibition view Nagoya 1987).
La cornice. Storie, teorie, testi, edited by D. Ferrari and A. Pinotti (Milan: Johan & Levi Editore, 2018), col. repr. on cover.
Entry by Maddalena Disch, 28/02/2025