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Tin of paint, stretcher, polyethylene

21 x 21 cm

Signed and dated on the outer edge of the lower stretcher bar: “Giulio Paolini / 1961”

Fondazione Giulio e Anna Paolini, Turin

Gift of the artist, 25 October 2012, archive no. GPO-0011

A tin of white paint placed on the lower edge of an empty stretcher is held down by a transparent polyethylene sheet stretched across the stretcher like a canvas.
The work is part of the study on the relationship between the support and an object that by convention is preliminary to or implicit in the realization of a painting. In the artist's words: “The goal was to come to terms with the painting vis-à-vis what the idea of the picture could stimulate or suggest. Indeed, in the sense of trying to grasp the reason for the physical presence of the picture as an object. […] It was the attempt to provide a work with a form, without the disappointment of seeing it completed. Without the intimidating burden of its meaning”.

1 G. Paolini interviewed by N. Orengo, in Fuoricampo 1, no. 2 (Turin), June, 1973, p. 5; republished in Giulio Paolini. La voce del pittore – Scritti e interviste 1965-1995, edited by M. Disch (Lugano: ADV Publishing House, 1995), p. 165.

1970 Prato, Palazzo Pretorio, Due decenni di eventi artistici in Italia: 1950-70, October - November, cat. no. 58, repr. n. pag.
1971 Florence, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Palazzo Pitti, Nuovi termini di riferimento per il linguaggio artistico, 27 June - 31 December, cited in the checklist of exhibited works n. pag., col. repr. on cover.
1984 Villeurbanne, Le Nouveau Musée, Giulio Paolini, 20 January - 18 March, vol. Images / Index, repr. p. 10.
1985-86 Montreal, Musée d’art contemporain, Giulio Paolini, 7 July - 8 September, touring to: Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery, 29 November 1985 - 19 January 1986, same catalogue as for the solo exhibition in Villeurbanne 1984.
1986 Charleroi, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Giulio Paolini, 15 February - 30 March, same catalogue as for the solo exhibition in Villeurbanne 1984.
1999 Turin, GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Giulio Paolini. Da oggi a ieri, 8 May - 25 July, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 30 p. 38, repr. p. 10.
2001 Tokyo, Museum of Contemporary Art, Una Storia dell’Arte in Italia nel XX secolo. Cento opere nelle collezioni della Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e in altre raccolte italiane, 22 September - 2 December, cat. no. 74 p. 112, col. repr., with a brief note by R. Camerlingo (idem in the English edition A History of Italian Art in the 20thCentury).
2003 Padua, Palazzo della Ragione, La grande svolta Anni ‘60. Viaggio negli anni Sessanta in Italia, 7 June - 19 October, col. repr. p. 70.
2006 Bergamo, GAMeC Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Giulio Paolini. Fuori programma, 6 April - 16 July, col. repr. pp. 50-51 (exhibition view), 52.
2006 Lugano, Museo Cantonale d’Arte, L’immagine del vuoto. Una linea di ricerca nell’arte in Italia 1958-2006, 7 October 2006 - 7 January 2007, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 85 p. 279, col. repr. p. 249, b/w repr. p. 123, referred to in the text by T. Godfrey pp. 120, 122.
2023-24 Rome, Scuderie del Quirinale, Favoloso Calvino. Il mondo come opera d’arte. Carpaccio, de Chirico, Gnoli, Melotti e gli altri, 13 October 2023 - 4 February 2024, cited in the checklist of exhibited works p. 237, col. repr. p. 210.
G. Paolini in the interview with N. Orengo in Fuoricampo 1, no. 2 (Turin), June, 1973, p. 5; republished in Giulio Paolini. La voce del pittore – Scritti e interviste 1965-1995, edited by M. Disch (Lugano: ADV Publishing House, 1995), p. 165.
G. Brizio, “Giulio Paolini ovvero ‘quam raptim ad sublimia’”, in Graphicus 52, no. 10 (Turin), October, 1971, p. 36, repr. p. 37 (with incorrect information about the exhibition of the work at the Premio Lissone).
G. Celant, Giulio Paolini (New York: Sonnabend Press, 1972), p. 22, repr. no. 4 p. 19; republished in Giulio Paolini 1960-1972, edited by Id. (Milan: Fondazione Prada, 2003), p. 100; reprint (Cinisello Balsamo: Silvana Editoriale, 2019).
T. Trini, “Giulio Paolini”, in Art press 4 (Paris), May-June, 1973, p. 14, not repr.
N. Orengo, “Giulio Paolini. Dipingere la pittura”, in Fuoricampo 1, no. 2 (Turin), June, 1973, repr. p. 7.
I. Calvino, “La squadratura”, in G. Paolini, Idem (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore), 1975, p. IX, repr. p. 6; republished in Semiotiche della pittura. I classici. Le ricerche, edited by L. Corrain (Rome: Meltemi editore, 2004), p. 226, col. repr. no. XVI; new edition (Milan: Electa, 2023), p. 11, repr. p. 32.
M. Fagiolo, “Glossario”, in Giulio Paolini (Parma: Università di Parma, Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione, 1976), p. 17, repr. no. 11.
Giulio Paolini, exhibition catalogue, Mannheim, Mannheimer Kunstverein, 1977, unpublished note by P. Maenz and quotation from G. Celant, Giulio Paolini, op. cit. (New York: 1972), p. 18, repr. p. 19.
“Giulio Paolini”, in Kunstforum International 39, monographic issue Italienische Kunst heute edited by M. Grüterich (Mainz), March, 1980, repr. p. 72.
Giulio Paolini, exhibition catalogue, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1980, repr. p. 12.
Il limite svelato. Artista Cornice Pubblico, exhibition catalogue, Turin, Mole Antonelliana (Milan: Electa, 1981), repr. p. 99.
W.M. Faust, “Et quid amabo: Notizen zu Arbeiten von Giulio Paolini”, in Giulio Paolini. Del bello intelligibile, exhibition catalogue, Bielefeld, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, 1982, repr. p. 13.
G. de Marchis, “Giulio Paolini”, in Thoughts and Action. Joseph Beuys, Daniel Buren, Dan Graham, Bruce MacLean, Giulio Paolini, exhibition catalogue, Tokyo, The Japan Foundation, The Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, and Laforet Museum (Tokyo: Flex Co. Ltd, 1982), p. 120, not repr.
G. de Marchis, “L’arte in Italia dopo la seconda guerra mondiale”, in Storia dell’arte italiana. Parte seconda: Dal Medioevo al Novecento, vol. III: Il Novecento, edited by F. Zeri (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1982), p. 620, repr. no. 552.
Giulio Paolini. “Tutto qui”, exhibition catalogue, Ravenna, Pinacoteca Comunale, Loggetta Lombardesca (Ravenna: Agenzia Editoriale Essegi, 1985), repr. no. 1.
On Language and Ecstasy. A Generation in Italian Art, exhibition catalogue, Jyväskylä, Alvar Aalto-Museo and Pori, Porin Taidemuseo, 1985, repr. p. 14.
C. Christov-Bakargiev, “Arte Povera 1967-1987”, in Flash Art 137 (Milan, international edition), November-December, 1987, p. 69, not repr.
A. Monferini, “Paolini e l’arte concettuale”, in Giulio Paolini, exhibition catalogue, Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (Milan-Rome: Mondadori and De Luca, 1988), p. 8, not repr.
F. Poli, "Note di lettura", in Id., Giulio Paolini (Turin: Lindau, 1990), p. 25, col. repr. no. 55; republished in Giulio Paolini. Von heute bis gestern / Da oggi a ieri, exhibition catalogue, Graz, Neue Galerie im Landesmuseum Joanneum (Ostfildern-Ruit: Cantz Verlag, 1998), p. 39.
Memoria del futuro. Arte italiano desde las primeras vanguardias a la posguerra, exhibition catalogue, Madrid, Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (Milan, Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, 1990), repr. p. 187.
G. de Marchis, Scusi ma è arte questa? Guida illustrata all’avanguardia e alla neoavanguardia (Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1991), p. 264, repr. p. 356.
D. Semin, Arte Povera (Paris: Éditions du Centre Georges Pompidou, 1992), p. 41, not repr.; republished in 2016, p. 54, not repr.
A. Rorimer, "Giulio Paolini", in 1965-1975: Reconsidering the Object of Art, exhibition catalogue, Los Angeles, The Museum of Contemporary Art, The Temporary Contemporary, 1995, p. 194, not repr.
Giulio Paolini. Von heute bis gestern / Da oggi a ieri, op. cit., col. repr. pp. 20, 194.
C. Christov-Bakargiev, Arte Povera (London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1999), pp. 37, 132, repr. p. 132.
A. Rorimer, New Art in the 60s and 70s. Redefining Reality (London: Thames & Hudson, 2001), p. 64, repr. p. 65.
A. Julius, Transgressions. The Offence of Art (London: Thames & Hudson, 2002), p. 116, repr.
G. Di Pietrantonio, "Giovane che guarda Lorenzo Lotto", in Giulio Paolini. Quaderni del Corso Superiore di Arte Visiva (Como-Milan: Fondazione Antonio Ratti and Edizioni Charta, 2003), p. 63, not repr.
H. Butin, "Gerhard Richter and the Reflection on Images", in Gerhard Richter. Editions 1965-2004. Catalogue Raisonné (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2004), p. 28, repr.
T. Caianiello, "Beyond Painting / Jenseits der Malerei", in Giovanni Anselmo, exhibition catalogue, Kleve, Museum Kurhaus Kleve and Birmingham, Ikon Gallery, 2004, p. 123, not repr.
Figure dell’Arte 1950-2000, edited by S. Zuliani (Milan: Editoriale Modo, 2005), col. repr. p. 52.
G. de Marchis, Album di viaggio in quarant’anni di arte italiana: 1960-2000 (Turin: Umberto Allemandi & C., 2005), p. 152, repr. p. 84.
A. Zevi, Peripezie del dopoguerra nell’arte italiana (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2005), p. 287, not repr.
G. Di Genova, Storia dell’Arte Italiana del ‘900 per generazioni. Generazione Anni Quaranta, vol. 6.1 (Bologna: Edizioni Bora, 2007), p. 11, not repr.
Color Chart: Reinventing Color, 1950 to Today, exhibition catalogue, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 2008, p. 86, col. repr. p. 87.
Materialbild. Material Picture. Immagine materiale. Italia 1950-1965, edited by P. Weibel, (Karlsruhe-Cinisello Balsamo: ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie and Silvana Editoriale, 2008), repr. p. 176.
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999 , vol. 1 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 11 p. 56, col. repr.
A. Portesio, “Quello che per il pittore è la squadratura della tela, per lo scrittore è l’incipit. L’arte di Giulio Paolini raccontata da Italo Calvino. Con un’intervista a Giulio Paolini”, in Avanguardia 14, no. 40 (Rome), June, 2009, p. 80, repr. p. 82.
T. Godfrey, Painting Today (London: Phaidon Press Ltd, 2009), p. 411, col. repr. no. 455 p. 411.
A. Vettese, Si fa con tutto. Il linguaggio dell’arte contemporanea (Rome-Bari: Editori Laterza, 2010), col. repr. no. 17 p. 44.
G. Celant, Arte Povera. Storia e storie (Milan: Mondadori Electa, 2011), p. 50; text taken from Id., Giulio Paolini, op. cit. (New York: 1972), col. repr.
C. Staff, After Modernist Painting. The History of a Contemporary Practice (London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2013), pp. 28, 29, repr. p. 29 and col. repr. on cover.
E. Trincherini, Giulio Paolini. Delfo (IV), 1997. In collezione 2 (Turin-Mantua: Fondazione Giulio e Anna Paolini and Corraini Edizioni, 2015), p. 40, col. repr. p. 41.
G. Gastaldon, "Materiali e tecniche: appunti per una storia del quadro che si fa oggetto", in Senzacornice 13 (Florence), quarterly online journal, June-September, 2015, n. pag., col. repr.
J. Meinhardt, Giulio Paolini. Senza titolo, 1961. In collezione 3 (Turin-Mantua: Fondazione Giulio e Anna Paolini and Corraini Edizioni, 2015); monograph on the work.
H. Butin, "Gerhard Richter’s Colour Charts of the 1960s and 1970s", in Gerhard Richter: Colour Charts, exhibition catalogue, London, Dominique Lévy Gallery, 2015, p. 25 endnote 5, not repr.
I. Bernardi, "Giulio Paolini 1963. Un autore (ancora) sconosciuto", in Arte italiana 1960-1964. Identità culturale, confronti internazionali, modelli americani, edited by F. Fergonzi and F. Tedeschi, proceedings of the study day promoted by Museo del Novecento and Gallerie d’Italia, Milan, 25 October 2013 (Milan: Scalpendi Editore, 2017), p. 40, not repr.
G. Moreno, "Antinomies of the Studio. Artistic Production in the Social Factory", in The Everywhere Studio, exhibition catalogue, Miami, Institute of Contemporary Art, 2017, p. 110, col. repr. p. 112.
P. Repetto, “Oltre il visibile”, in Giulio Paolini. O.D.E., exhibition catalogue, Monforte d’Alba (Cuneo), Castello di Perno (Alba: Fondazione Mancini Carini, 2022), p. 37, col. repr. p. 48 no. 10.
Entry by Maddalena Disch, 24/07/2024