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Icaro, 1967



Coloured nylon threads, perforated plexiglas sheet

Height 250 cm

Private collection, Turin

The small plexiglas sheet should be placed approximately 250 cm from the ground so that the threads can drop down freely.

A primed canvas in a tilted position and with a hole in the middle is fastened to the upper part of the wall. It is pierced by several coloured nylon threads that drop down to the ground in a tangle. The title – originally I(car)o [I(carus)] – suggests the formulation of a self-portrait, alluding to Icarus who, according to Greek mythology, flew upwards with two wax wings his father Dedalus had made for him attached to his shoulders. But when he flew too close to the sun he fell into the sea.
At first, the artist planned to use a small photographic canvas (15 x 15 cm), instead of the plexiglas element, featuring the detail that shows him holding a blank canvas. The image would have shown him "suspended in space, as if he were a kite", while the nylon strings threaded through the canvas would have "poured down on the ground like a lovely multicoloured mane".

1 G. Paolini interviewed by C. Lonzi, in Collage 7 (Palermo), May, 1967, p. 45 (this part was omitted from subsequent reprints of the interview); original version republished in C. Lonzi, Autoritratto (Bari: De Donato Editore, 1969), pp. 55-56, reprint (Milan: Et al./Edizioni, 2010), p. 40, English edition (Brussels-London: Divided Publishing, 2021), p. 54, and in C. Lonzi, Scritti sull'arte (Milan: Et al./Edizioni, 2012), pp. 523-524.

1967 Venice, Galleria del Leone, Giulio Paolini, from 7 August, cited in the checklist of exhibited works (as I(car)o”), not repr.
1968 Turin, Galleria Notizie, Giulio Paolini, 10 April - 2 May, cited in the checklist of exhibited works, not repr.
1989 Turin, Galleria Eva Menzio, Veicoli Impropri, 7 November - 21 December.
1992-93 Paris, Galerie Di Meo, Giulio Paolini. Œuvres de 1963 à 1978, 27 November 1992 - 30 January 1993, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 12 p. 66 (with incomplete dimensions), col. repr. p. 37 (detail, with incorrect date “1991”).
G. Paolini in conversation with C. Lonzi, in C. Lonzi, Autoritratto (Bari: De Donato Editore, 1969), pp. 55-56; in the reprint (Milan: Et al./Edizioni, 2010), p. 40; English edition (Brussels-London: Divided Publiishing, 2021), pp. 53-54; for the artist’s self-portrait at his studio see the image used in 1421965, Capitemi! and Atlante, GPO-0076, GPO-0112, GPO-0113.
Giulio Paolini (Parma: Università di Parma, Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione, 1976), repr. no. 80 (detail).
Giulio Paolini 1960-1972, edited by G. Celant (Milan: Fondazione Prada, 2003), col. repr. p. 201 (detail).
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 1 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 121 p. 146, col. repr. (with detail).
C. Lonzi, Autoportrait, edited by G. Zapperi (Paris-Zurich: La Maison Rouge and JRP|Ringier, 2012), pp. 63-64, not repr.
S. Menichini, “’La caduta di Icaro’ di Giulio Paolini (1981). Uno studio iconografico”, in L’uomo nero. Materiali per una storia delle arti della modernità 17, n.s., no. 17-18, February (Milan - Udine: Mimesis Edizioni, 2021), pp. 166-167, repr. p. 166.
Entry by Maddalena Disch, 28/02/2025