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Mnemosine (Les Charmes de la Vie/9), 1981-88


Acrylic-painted canvas, primed canvases, pencil and tempera on wall

Painted canvas 160 x 240, eight primed canvases 160 x 240 cm each, nine primed canvases 40 x 60 cm each, overall dimensions variable

GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin

Acquired in 1999, inventory no. S 466

Mnemosine (Les Charmes de la Vie) is the general title of a cycle of works, initially designed to contain nine episodes (an analogy with the number of the letters contained in the name Mnemosyne, mother of the nine Muses), but in the end condensed into just six parts (GPO-0460, GPO-0504, GPO-0511, GPO-0599, GPO-0621, GPO-0677). A common denominator is the presence of one or more paintings, reproducing the details of Jean-Antoine Watteau's painting entitled Les Charmes de la Vie (1717-18). The canvases, commissioned by Paolini from a scenic painter, comprise the division into nine equal parts of an enlarged copy of the eighteenth-century painting, absent the figures that originally filled it. From one work to the other, the artist associated to the details of the painting a corresponding number of objects: for instance, he added two elements to the second detail, seven elements to the seventh detail, and so on and so forth. From one station to another, the principal elements making up the spatiality of Watteau's painting – sky, chair, columns, floor – are staged in echoes and amplifications, in declaredly theatrical terms in harmony with the register used by the French painter.
In the fifth work, two pairs of valets are reproduced in tempera in life-size form, and contained in the room drawn in perspective on a long wall. Each of them holds the ends of a sequence of nine primed canvases, arranged at regular intervals at the viewer's eye level. The dimensions of the canvases are the same as Paolini's first painting,
Disegno geometrico, 1960 (GPO-0001), the conceptual paradigm of his poetics. In the central part of the work the horizon line overlaps a row of nine larger canvases, propped up against the wall: in the foreground to the right is a painted canvas with the ninth detail from Watteau's painting (lower right corner), while in the other rows the canvases are reversed, some of them turned vertically, others, horizontally. Just as the entire Mnemosine cycle disperses the image of Watteau's painting via the various stages it is made up of, the reversed canvases allow the viewer to imagine the other details of the eighteenth-century painting, while the horizon line constituted by blank canvases disperses the vision of a painting on the threshold of the space of the representation.
Indeed, it is not the intention of the nine stations in the cycle to gradually put the puzzle of the old master work back together; on the contrary, its purpose is to disperse its interpretation by evoking the individual details as if in a ciphered game. From one episode to another, Watteau's scene becomes a stage that by definition opens up a painting before the gaze of the person overlooking its threshold: the space of the representation, with its artifices and its intimate theatricality.

Jean-Antoine Watteau, Les Charmes de la Vie, 1717-18, oil on canvas, 69 x 90 cm, The Wallace Collection, London; reproduction from L’opera completa di Watteau. Classici dell’arte 21 (Milan: Rizzoli, 1968), plates XII and XIII.

1988 Florence, Pitti Immagine Uomo, Fortezza da Basso, Giulio Paolini, luglio, not repr. (reproduction of a study for the installation of the work), referred to in the text by G. Celant pp. 7, 9.
1988-89 Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Giulio Paolini, 24 November 1988 - 26 February 1989, cited in the checklist of exhibited works p. 95, col. repr. no. 28 (exhibition view Florence 1988), referred to in the text by S. Vertone p. 17.
1992 Turin, Fondo Rivetti per l’Arte, Percorso 1, [unknown dates], no catalogue.
1999 Frechen-Bachem, Galerie Jule Kewenig, Giulio Paolini, 8 March - 30 April.
2001 Turin, Palazzina della Promotrice delle Belle Arti, Parco del Valentino, La GAM costruisce il suo futuro. Tre anni di acquisizioni di arte contemporanea, 16 November - 16 December, no catalogue.
2006-07 Turin, Torino Esposizioni, Museo Museo Museo 1998-2006. Otto anni di acquisizioni per le raccolte della GAM, 8 November 2006 - 27 January 2007, not repr. in the exhibition booklet.
2015 Lugano, Spazio -1, Teatro di Mnemosine. Giulio Paolini d’après Watteau, 12 September 2015 - 10 January 2016, col. repr. pp. [17], [30-32] (exhibition views), 91, referred to in the text by B. Della Casa pp. 43, 47, with a note by M. Disch p. 90; in the catalogue of the Collezione Olgiati published at the same time as the exhibition cited in the checklist of exhibited works p. 13, repr. (exhibition view Turin 2001).
G. Paolini in Giulio Paolini, exhibition catalogue, Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (Milan-Rome: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore and De Luca Edizioni d’Arte, 1988), p. 19.
G. Paolini in the interview with A. Zevi, “Se l’allestimento della mostra è un autentico progetto”, in Corriere della Sera (Milan), 18 December 1988; republished in Giulio Paolini. La voce del pittore – Scritti e interviste 1965-1995, edited by M. Disch (Lugano: ADV Publishing House, 1995), pp. 247-248.
F. Poli, “Note di lettura”, in Id., Giulio Paolini (Turin: Lindau, 1990), p. 36, not repr.; republished in Giulio Paolini. Von heute bis gestern / Da oggi a ieri, exhibition catalogue, Graz, Neue Galerie im Landesmuseum Joanneum (Ostfildern-Ruit: Cantz Verlag, 1998), p. 61, not repr.
M. Disch, “Giulio Paolini. Hors-d’oeuvre”, in Giulio Paolini. La voce del pittore – Scritti e interviste 1965-1995, edited by M. Disch (Lugano: ADV Publishing House, 1995), pp. 89-90, 92, repr. no. 18 (exhibition view Florence 1988).
Collezionismo a Torino. Le opere di sei collezionisti d’Arte Contemporanea, exhibition catalogue, Rivoli, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’arte contemporanea (Milan: Edizioni Charta, 1996), repr. p. 62 (exhibition view Turin 1992).
C. Christov-Bakargiev, Arte Povera (London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1999), col. repr. p. 139 (exhibition view Rome 1988-89).
Arte povera in collezione (Rivoli-Milan: Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea and Edizioni Charta, 2000), catalogue entry by M. Disch p. 214 (with incorrect title and commentary), col. repr. p. 215 (exhibition view Frechen-Bachem 1999).
N. Bätzner, Arte Povera. Zwischen Erinnerung und Ereignis: Giulio Paolini, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jannis Kounellis (Nuremberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2000), pp. 68-69, 70, 72, 80-83 (pp. 64-90 in general on the cycle titled Mnemosine (Les Charmes de la Vie)), repr. p. 69 (exhibition view Florence 1988).
A. Zevi, Peripezie del dopoguerra nell’arte italiana (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2005), pp. 365-366, not repr.
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 2 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 621 pp. 638-639, col. repr. (exhibition view Frechen-Bachem 1999).
Dieci anni di acquisizioni per la GAM di Torino 1998-2008, edited by P.G. Castagnoli and E. Volpato (Turin: Umberto Allemandi & C., 2008), col. repr. cat. no. 87 (exhibition view Turin 2001).
Giulio Paolini. A come Accademia, exhibition catalogue, Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca (Rome: Gangemi Editore, 2023), repr. pp. 205, 206-207 (exhibition views Rome 1988).
Entry by Maddalena Disch, 28/02/2025