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Nine plates 24.5 x 34.5 cm each

Titled, signed, and dated on the recto of the plate containing the text: “Museo” (upper centre), “Giulio Paolini 1970-73” (bottom right). On the recto of each plate, at bottom centre, the date is associated with the place depicted, from the first to the last plate, respectively: “settembre 1418”, “aprile 1502”, “ottobre 1636”, “marzo 1807”, “settembre 1890”, “febbraio 1895”, “giugno 1917”, “ottobre 1921”

Autograph numbering on the recto of the framed text, bottom left

90 in Arabic numerals from 1/90 to 90/90

Self-produced by the artist

Double-sided three-flap off-white cardboard folder, blank, closed format 25.5 x 35.5 cm. Contains the plates, with no accessory sheets.

Text by the artist, Otto momenti..., referring to the subject of the portfolio. The plate with the text is located in the central position of the installed work.

The nine plates, arranged inside a single frame, without a passepartout, must be in three parallel rows and at a short regular interval from each other of about 1-1.5 cm, with breathing space all around the ensemble (minimum size of the frame 82 x 112 cm). The sequence of plates follows the chronological order of the dates written at the bottom; the plate that features text is located at the centre of the composition.

The first seven photographic images illustrate an equal number of places where famous artists from the past who are particularly dear to Paolini have worked, while the last plate reproduces an anonymous artist's studio. Each lithograph bears a date, which each time refers to a specific moment in the artist's activity recalled by the subject of the image.1
The places illustrated are associated with the dates as follows:

1. “Settembre [September] 1418”: the convent of San Domenico in Fiesole, where Beato Angelico was active;
2. “Aprile [April] 1504”: the house where Raphael was born in Urbino;
3. “Ottobre [October] 1636”: a reconstruction of the "small theatre" where Nicolas Poussin worked on his multiple-figure compositions;
4. “Marzo [March] 1807”: Raphael's house and studio in the park at Villa Borghese in Rome, portrayed by Ingres in
Le casin de Raphaël, painted in 1807;
5. “Settembre [September] 1890”: the customs house at Porte de Vanves in Paris, where Le Douanier Rousseau worked as a customs officer;
6. “Febbraio [February] 1895”: Cézanne's studio in Aix-en-Provence;
7. “Giugno [June] 1917”: the Estense Castle in Ferrara, the city where Giorgio de Chirico worked for a short period of time;
8. “Ottobre [October] 1921”: the prototype of an imaginary artist's studio installed for a modern art exhibition in 1921.
The plate with a text – situated at the centre of the installed work – instead features a text by Paolini, referring to the places illustrated. In the artist's own words: “Eight moments and eight places, discovered along the way during a mysterious and irreversible journey. From Fiesole to Urbino, from Rome to Paris, Aix-en-Provence and Ferrara, the Muse pays a visit to Beato Angelico, Raphael, Poussin, Ingres, Rousseau, Cézanne and de Chirico: she disappears in Ancona inside a lifeless studio, built as a scenario and exhibited as a model in a 1921 exhibition of interiors”.
“This is the journey of the Muse”, the author tells us, “and this is why I have chosen to call the work
Museum. The Muse travels across those places at specific times and in the end arrives in a place where no artist is ready to welcome her”.3
The portfolio stems from a first version of Museo, made up of three photographs and made in 1970-71 in three copies (GPC-0183); the same theme can be found in the work from the same period with the same title made up of three photo canvases (GPO-0253) and in the corresponding version on paper (GPC-0236).

1 The months indicated in the subtitles are arbitrary, while the years harken back to works made by the artists recalled. Some dates refer to paintings already cited by Paolini in previous works: for Raphael the date 1504 corresponds to the year he made Lo sposalizio della Vergine (GPO-0157), while for Rousseau the year 1890 designates the date of the paintings Fleurs de poète and Moi-même. Portrait paysage (GPO-0135, GPO-0151).
2 The image is from the article L. S., "Una mostra d’arte marchigiana", in Emporium LIV, no. 322 (Bergamo), 1921, p. 243, and it illustrates “Lo studio di un pittore” [A painter’s studio] conceived by Luigi Panzini along with the artist Cesare Peruzzi.
3 G. Paolini interviewed by A. Madesani, in Rubare l’immagine. Gli artisti e la fotografia negli anni ’70, exhibition catalogue, Milan, Spazio Labs (Milan: Edizioni Tega, 2000), p. 73.

Third image from a printed page with the caption “Fig. 25 - Ricostruzione di un modello d’impalcatura in cui Poussin poneva le sue figure (fig. 201, A. Blunt, 1967)”.
Fourth image: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres,
Le casino de Raphäel, 1807, Ø 16 cm, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
Eighth image: view of the artist's studio from L. S., “Una mostra d’arte marchigiana”, in Emporium 54, no. 322 (Bergamo), 1921, p. 243 (“Luigi Panzini e Cesare Peruzzi: Lo studio di un pittore”).

1975 Zurich, Galerie Annemarie Verna, Giulio Paolini, 4-30 April.
1975 Munich, Galerie Art in Progress, Giulio Paolini, 18 April - 21 May.
1976 Parma, Palazzo della Pilotta, Sala delle Scuderie, Giulio Paolini, 11 March - 21 April, not repr.
1977 Mannheim, Mannheim Kunstverein, Giulio Paolini, 31 July - 28 August, not repr.
1980 Bari, Galleria Marilena Bonomo, Da Toulouse Lautrec ad Andy Warhol. Opere grafiche da collezione, 9 Decembre 1980 - 9 January 1981.
1992 Bonn, Bonner Kunstverein, Giulio Paolini. Impressions graphiques. Das graphische Werk 1967-1992, 24 February - 29 March (catalogue Impressions graphiques. L’opera grafica 1967-1992 di Giulio Paolini [Turin: Marco Noire Editore, 1992], cat. no. 9).
1993 Winterthur, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Giulio Paolini. Impressions graphiques. Das druckgraphische Werk 1967-1992, 16 January - 7 March (catalogue Impressions graphiques. L’opera grafica 1967-1992 di Giulio Paolini [Turin: Marco Noire Editore, 1992], cat. no. 9).
1995 Lisbon, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão, Giulio Paolini. Impressions graphiques. Múltiplos e Obra Gráfica 1969-1995, 16 March - 28 May, not repr. in the exhibition brochure (catalogue Impressions graphiques. L’opera grafica 1967-1992 di Giulio Paolini [Turin: Marco Noire Editore, 1992], cat. no. 9).
1996 Nice, Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Arte Povera. Les multiples, 23 March - 16 June, cited in the checklist of exhibited works p. 37, not repr.
1996-97 Bolzano, Museion Museo d’arte moderna, Scritto su foto. La sintesi tra fotografia e parola nell’arte contemporanea, 13 September - 17 November, touring to: Frankfurt, Frankfurter Kunstverein (Foto Text Text Foto. Synthese von Photographie und Text in der Gegenwartskunst), 22 January - 9 March 1997; Winterthur, Fotomuseum Winthertur, 12 April - 1 June 1997, repr. p. 115.
1996 Apolda, Kunsthaus Apolda Avantgarde, Giulio Paolini. Impressions graphiques, 27 September - 27 October (catalogue Impressions graphiques. L’opera grafica 1967-1992 di Giulio Paolini [Turin: Marco Noire Editore, 1992], cat. no. 9).
1997 Göppingen, Kunsthalle, Giulio Paolini. Impressions graphiques. Das graphische Druckwerk 1967-1995, 9 March - 13 April (catalogue Impressions graphiques. L’opera grafica 1967-1992 di Giulio Paolini [Turin: Marco Noire Editore, 1992], cat. no. 9).
1997-00 Bremen, Neues Museum Weserburg, Arte Povera. Arbeiten und Dokumente aus der Sammlung Goetz 1958 bis heute, 22 June - 7 September, touring to: Nuremberg, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, 2 October - 7 December 1997; Cologne, Kölnischer Kunstverein, 14 February - 26 April 1998; Vienna, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, 19 June - 30 August 1998; Göteborg (Sweden), Konsthallen, 19 September - 22 November 1998; Munich, Sammlung Goetz (Teil 1: Arbeiten von 1958-1972), 23 July - 18 December 1999; Munich, Sammlung Goetz (Teil 2: Arbeiten von 1973 bis heute), 24 January - 20 May 2000, in the book published at the occasion of the exhibition, Arte Povera. Arbeiten und Dokumente aus der Sammlung Goetz 1958 bis heute (Munich: Kunstverlag Ingvild Goetz, 1997), catalogue entry p. 233 (with incorrect technique “Serigraphie”), repr. pp. 234-235; edition 12/90; exhibited in all the venues except Munich 1999.
2001 Milan, Association Jacqueline Vodoz et Bruno Danese, Impressions Graphiques. L’opera grafica di Giulio Paolini, 1967-2000, 17 May - 22 June, not repr.
2002 Modena, Biblioteca civica d’arte Luigi Poletti, Giulio Paolini. Pagine, 20 September - 23 November, col. repr. pp. 22-23 (caption p. 91).
2022 Paris, Librairie Marian Goodman, Giulio Paolini. Printed Editions and Multiples (1967-1977), 6 October - 26 November; artist’s proof.
G. Paolini, Otto momenti..., note to the work included with the print edition; republished in Id., Idem (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1975), p. 64; Impressions graphiques. L'opera grafica 1967-1992 di Giulio Paolini (Turin: Marco Noire Editore, 1992), cat. no. 9; new edition of G. Paolini, Idem (Milan: Electa, 2023), p. 83.
Impressions graphiques. L’opera grafica 1967-1992 di Giulio Paolini (Turin: Marco Noire Editore, 1992), cat. no. 9, repr. (edition 2/90), with text by the artist Otto momenti...
Arte Povera. Arbeiten und Dokumente aus der Sammlung Goetz 1958 bis heute (Munich: Kunstverlag Ingvild Goetz, 1997), p. 233 (cited in the list of works from the collection), repr. pp. 234-235 (edition 12/90).
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 1 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 253 p. 264, not repr.
R. Ferrario, Giulio Paolini. Un viaggio a distanza (Busto Arsizio: Nomos Edizioni, 2009), repr. pp. 88-89 (edition 2/90).
Arte Povera. Der grosse Aufbruch, exhibition catalogue, Basel, Kunstmuseum Basel (Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2012), repr. no. 66 p. 132 (plate “Aprile 1504”, edition 12/90).
Arte Povera Seen by Ingvild Goetz (New York: Hauser & Wirth Publishers, 2017), col. repr. pp. 231, 245 (edition 12/90, exhibition view Munich 1993).
Giulio Paolini. A come Accademia, exhibition catalogue, Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca (Rome: Gangemi Editore, 2023), repr. p. 153 (exhibition view Mannheim 1977).
Entry by Bettina Della Casa and Maddalena Disch, 03/03/2025