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Ennesima (appunti per la descrizione di sei tele datate 1975), 1975


Umpteenth (Notes for the Description of Six Canvases Dated 1975)

Pencil on primed canvas

Six parts 30 x 20 cm each, overall dimensions 30 x 130 cm

Signed and titled on the verso of the sixth canvas: “Giulio Paolini” (upper stretcher bar), “Ennesima / (appunti per la descrizione / di sei tele datate 1975) (lower stretcher bar)

Private collection, Como

From one to the other of the six canvases, a progressive reticular subdivision has the upper hand over the automatic calligraphy – a hypothetical description of the work itself – until it entirely replaces the written image and appears as a drawing.
In the artist's own words: “Hence, three elements: the writing, the image, time. Each of them, however, is exhausted in its own nominal enunciation and, all together, they cannot be seen as constitutive. Writing, overlooking any form of communication, preserves nothing other than its appearance, it describes nothing other than itself. The drawing is the extreme limit of its own legitimacy, the definition of the surface of the page. Time suggests the pattern and determines, via the succession of the two elements that reveal it, the enigmatic measure of the story: it subtracts further truthfulness from both the writing and the drawing, it regulates their co-penetration in a constantly variable identity, multipliable to infinity, but unalterable by fate. The first page is already the last one, the last one is still the first, the sequence moves from one equal towards an equal. Here, then, is the neutrality of a dynamic that, again via the use of the same elements, achieves none other than its own infinitesimal development. The title
Ennesima [Umpteenth], in fact, is meant to recall the possibility of elevation ad infinitum of this process. As if to say that it is perhaps not so obvious to establish that the figurative, visual dimension, is born as a pure and simple image, and that it may instead have the implicit and intimate need to describe itself, the vocation to find another more definitive form of itself”.1
The theme of
Ennesima was conceived in 1972-73 with several works on paper originating from the painting Appunti per la descrizione di un quadro datato 1972 (1972, GPO-0238). After that it was developed into a first version on canvas (1973, GPO-0255), a print edition (1975, GPE-0017), and later in two further, more extensive versions on paper, made in 1987 (GPO-0628) and in 1988 (GPO-0625).

1 G. Paolini in Giulio Paolini. Atto unico in tre quadri, exhibition catalogue, Milan, Studio Marconi (Milan: Gabriele Mazzotta editore, 1979), p. 107.

1992-93 Paris, Galerie Di Meo, Giulio Paolini. Œuvres de 1963 à 1978, 27 November 1992 - 30 January 1993, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 20 p. 67 (with bibliographical references related to the print Ennesima), col. repr. pp. 48-49.
G. Paolini in Giulio Paolini. Atto unico in tre quadri, exhibition catalogue, Milan, Studio Marconi (Milan: Gabriele Mazzotta editore, 1979), pp. 106-107; republished in Giulio Paolini. La voce del pittore – Scritti e interviste 1965-1995, edited by M. Disch (Lugano: ADV Publishing House, 1995), p. 67.
G. Paolini in Giulio Paolini. Le “opere a venire”, proceedings of the meeting with the artist, Accademia di Belle Arti “Pietro Vannucci”, Perugia, 28 April 1981 (Perugia: 1982), pp. 11-12.
B. Corà, “L’artista? Un acrobata!”, in G. Paolini, Ancora un libro (Rome: Editrice Inonia, 1987), p. 7 (in general on the group of works titled Ennesima), not repr.
A. Coulange, “La conversion universelle des choses en images”, in Id., Giulio Paolini. Carnets de la commande publique (Paris: Éditions du Regard, 1997), pp. 22, 24, not repr. (in general on the group of works titled Ennesima); republished in Id., L’oeil indiscret (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2003), p. 145, not repr.
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 1 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 297 p. 306, col. repr.
Entry by Maddalena Disch, 27/02/2025