Vedo (la decifrazione del mio campo visivo: versione Mon seul désir), 1971-84
I See (The Deciphering of My Visual Field: Version Mon seul désir)
Collage on wall
Dismantled work
A multitude of fragments from a colour reproduction of the tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn (accompanied by the inscription “Mon seul désir”, referred to by Paolini in the title of his work), are disseminated on a wall interrupted by a central passage, to retrace the elliptical area corresponding to the visual field of both the author and the viewer. Moreover, the ellipse also traces the shape of the ideal island, which hosts the various representations of the cycle of Renaissance tapestries held at the Musée des Thermes et de l’Hôtel de Cluny in Paris.
The work harkens back to the first “deciphering” of his visual field, realized by the artist in 1969 via a profusion of dots marked on the wall (cf. Vedo (la decifrazione del mio campo visivo), GPO-0188). As Paolini declared at the time, "Vedo is the abstract and conceptual scheme of the vision, the translation in figures of the phenomenon of seeing".
The same theme was formulated, with other torn fragments, in a previous version on canvas (GPO-0276), while in 2016 it was reproduced in a variant on the wall with fragments of a star chart (GPO-1051), and in 2018 with a series of squares and rectangles drawn on the wall (GPO-1068).
A Mon Seul Désir, from the cycle La dame à la licorne, 15th-16th century, wool and silk tapestry, 377 x 473 cm, Musée des Thermes et de l’Hôtel de Cluny, Paris.
1984 | Venice, Giardini di Castello, Biennale di Venezia: XLI Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte. Arte allo specchio, 10 June - 9 September, general catalogue: not repr.; catalogue Arte allo specchio: not repr. |
• | Paolini. Melanconia ermetica, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Galerie Maeght Lelong, 1985, repr. p. 24 (incompletely dated “1971”). |
• | G. Celant, The Knot Arte Povera (Turin: Umberto Allemandi & C., 1985), repr. p. 24; Italian edition: Arte Povera (Turin: Umberto Allemandi & C., 1989), repr. p. 32; French edition: Arte Povera (Villeurbanne: Art Édition, 1989) repr. p. 41. |
• | Giulio Paolini, exhibition catalogue, Nagoya, Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1987, repr. p. 41 (incompletely dated “1971”). |
• | E. Clausen, “La vocazione teatrale dell’opera d’arte”, in Art’o 12 (Bologna), Autumn, 2002, repr. p. 39 (detail). |
• | M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 2 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 512 p. 523, repr. |
• | I. Bernardi, “Sulla soglia. Giulio Paolini e la Biennale di Venezia”, in Crocevia Biennale, edited by F. Castellani and E. Charans (Milan: Scalpendi Editore, 2017), pp. 241-42, not repr. |