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Glossario, 1975



Collage, pencil, red pencil, black ink and red ink on primed canvas and on reversed canvas

Fifteen parts 20 x 30 cm each, overall dimensions 180 x 270 cm

Signed, titled, and dated on the verso of the twenty-fifth canvas: “Giulio Paolini / Glossario / 1975”

Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung, on permanent loan to the Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel

Acquired in 1980, inventory no. H 1980.5

Glossario consists of twenty-five primed canvases arranged in five rows with intervals of the same size as the canvases; the canvases corresponding to the diagonals of this “painting” are all reversed. Each canvas features a collage; the canvases located around the edge of the work are characterized by motifs taken from previous works, while the middle ones feature the title of the work. Starting from the top left and continuing to the right, the canvases are characterized by the following interventions:
1. a colour photograph of a landscape, crumpled up inside a reversed canvas;
2. the four torn corners of a piece of aluminum foil, placed so that there’s a small margin from the edge of the canvas;
3. a reproduction of
Disegno geometrico (GPO-0001) – applied to a slightly larger canvas – featuring lines in black and red ink that continue onto the canvas;
a blank sheet, slightly smaller than the canvas, fastened at the median perimeter points by four fragments of a dotted line torn out of a newspaper page;
5. twelve white pebbles, some of which stained with colour, assembled inside a reversed canvas;
6. six torn pieces of graph paper lined up on the canvas so as to simulate a horizon line;
7. the letter “G” torn from the name “Giulio” on the invitation to the 1969 solo show at the Galleria del Leone in Venice;
8. the letter “L” torn from the title of the work
Le quattro parti del mondo (1969) on that same invitation;
9. the letter “O” torn from the print editon
Una poesia (1967);
10. four photo-souvenirs taken during Paolini’s journey to Cagnes-sur-mer in 1969 (among which the one constituting
La Guirlande [1970, GPO-0200]) arranged in random order on the canvas;
11. a reproduction of the artist’s hand as he produces
Vedo (la decifrazione del mio campo visivo) (1969), held down on a slightly larger canvas, with the “decoding” points continuing on the canvas;
12. the letter “S” taken from the print edition
Una poesia;
13. the letter “S” taken from the axonometric projection of
Lo spazio (GPO-0120);
14. the letter “A” torn from the print edition of
Una poesia;
15. a blank sheet, just slightly smaller than the canvas, filled with
écriture automatique, covered in certain points with the torn fragments of another manuscript text;
16. a sheet of paper crumpled in a central position;
17. the letter “R” taken from the invitation to the Galleria del Leone in 1969, from the title of the work
Relief planétaire (1969);
18. the letter “I” torn from the print edition
The Encyclopædia Britannica (1971);
19. the letter “O” taken from the axonometric projection of
Lo spazio (GPO-0120);
20. the shape of the artist’s hand intent upon drawing, cut out from red cardboard and placed so that the tip of the pencil touches that of the specular shape drawn in red pencil on the left side of the canvas;
21. four pencils in different colours, lined up along the inner sides of a reversed canvas;
22. a piece of unprimed cardboard, slightly smaller than the canvas, with an adhesive hook simulating the back of a painting;
23. the photograph taken by Anna Piva in which the artist holds an open book before him (cf. GPO-0241), applied to the middle of the canvas; the typescript inscription on the white cover reads: “Henry James / THE SENS OF THE PAST / New York / Charles Scribner’s Sons / 1917”;
24. the photograph of a ruler on a blank piece of paper pinned on a larger sheet of black paper, torn along the lower edge so as to reveal the canvas on which it is applied;
25. a rag stained with colour folded inside the reversed canvas.
A personal anthology brimming with internal cross-references and complementary correspondences, as well as a collection of iconographic clues and material or conceptual elements intrinsic to the painting, the work is a true and proper “glossary” of Paolini’s exploration of the idea of the painting.
In response to the twenty-five notes of commentary written by Maurizio Fagiolo for the catalogue published on the occasion of Paolini’s retrospective in Parma,
1 the artist in turn formulated the same number of "items" corresponding to each of the twenty-five components of Glossario. Following the above listed order of the canvases the declarations were as follows:
1. “The identity of measure or proportion of the subject and of its image";
2. “The temporary boundaries of a virtual and changing space";
3. “A hidden model that reveals itself unexpectedly";
4. “The image as a transcription of itself";
5. “The colours: how many and which ones are they?";
6. “A sequence moves from one equal towards another equal";
7. “G-lossary as in G-iulio Paolini, or as in
Buster Keaton, Constance Marie Charpentier2 etc.”;
8. “L, that is,
Le quattro parti del mondo”;
9. “The centre of
Una poesia is an ‘o’, an eye, a planet";
10. “An unstable figure that memory and (optical) illusions say is made up of many figures";
11. “To decipher is to invent the evidence";
12. “Or the unknowable”;
13. “The centre of the painting is the vanishing point of viewer (literally: escape = disappearance of the image)”;
14. “Writing isn't always automatic”;
15. “Nor is it always autograph if the identity is none other than the consequence of different juxtapositions";
16. “Form is a theory of conjecture about form";
17. “
Relief planétaire, or of the obligation of geometry";
18. “The initial of the
Encyclopædia (the beginning of the infinite)”;
19. “The last letter of
Lo spazio (the end of ‘Glossario’)”;
20. “A point of contact signifies a lack of gravity";
21. “A line is visible when it is forced to be so";
22. “The viewpoint recognizes its limits, but it does not lend itself to hide those of others";
23. “Nothing remains, nothing becomes”;
24. “The art of mistaking the copy for the original";
25. ”The horizon is uncertain, mysterious but, if you look closely, transparent"

1 M. Fagiolo, “Glossario”, in Giulio Paolini (Parma: Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione, Università di Parma, 1976), pp. 6-33.
2 Cf. GPO-0198 and GPO-0199.
3 G. Paolini in Giulio Paolini, op. cit. (Parma: 1976), p. 34.

1975 Rome, Galleria D’Alessandro-Ferranti, Giulio Paolini, from 11 October.
1976 Parma, Palazzo della Pilotta, Sala delle Scuderie, Giulio Paolini, 11 March - 21 April, repr. pp. 7-10, essay by M. Fagiolo pp. 5-34, referred to in the text by A.C. Quintavalle p. 60.
1986 Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Giulio Paolini, 20 September - 2 November, cited in the checklist of exhibited works vol. 4 no. 19 p. 51, repr. vol. 1 p. 47.
2005 Winterthur, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Giulio Paolini. Esposizione universale, 23 April - 24 June, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 13 p. 87, col. repr. n. pag. (exhibition view).
G. Paolini in Giulio Paolini (Parma: Università di Parma, Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione, 1976), p. 34; republished in Giulio Paolini, vol. Images/Index (Villeurbanne: Le Nouveau Musée, 1984), p. 47.
Mediterranea 1. Incontro in Sicilia. Linee di ricerca dell’arte italiana, exhibition catalogue, Messina, Fiera Campionaria Internazionale, 1975, repr. n. pag. (exhibition view Rome 1975).
Giulio Paolini. Werke und Schriften 1960-1980 (Lucerne: Kunstmuseum Luzern, 1981), repr. n. pag.
Identité Italienne. L’art en Italie depuis 1959, edited by G. Celant (Paris-Florence: Centre Georges Pompidou and Centro Di, 1981), repr. p. 489 (exhibition view Rome 1975).
W.M. Faust, “Et quid amabo: Notizen zu Arbeiten von Giulio Paolini”, in Giulio Paolini. Del bello intelligibile, exhibition catalogue, Bielefeld, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, 1982, p. 18, repr.
G. Paolini, Giulio Paolini, vol. Images/Index (Villeurbanne: Le Nouveau Musée, 1984), repr. p. 46 (detail).
A. Mammì, I. Panicelli, “Giulio Paolini. Bibliografia”, in Giulio Paolini. La Casa di Lucrezio, exhibition catalogue, Spoleto, Palazzo Rosari Spada (Casalecchio di Reno: Grafis Edizioni, 1984), p. 22, repr. p. 18; republished in Markus Lüpertz, Giulio Paolini: figure, colonne, finestre, exhibition catalogue, Rivoli, Castello di Rivoli, 1986, p. 80, not repr.
G. Paolini, Suspense. Breve storia del vuoto in tredici stanze (Florence: Hopeful Monster editore, 1988), repr. p. 32.
Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung Basel (Basel: Wiese Verlag, 1991), b/w repr. p. 294, col. repr. pp. 296-298 (details), entry by T. Vischer p. 295, catalogue entry no. 230 p. 345.
Storia moderna dell’arte in Italia. Manifesti, polemiche, documenti, vol. III: Tra Neorealismo ed anni Novanta 1945-1990, edited by P. Barocchi (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1992), repr. no. 103 (exhibition view Rome 1975).
Roma in mostra 1970 1979. Materiali per la documentazione di mostre azioni performance dibattiti, edited by D. Lancioni (Rome: Edizioni Joyce & Co., 1995), cat. no. 539 p. 89, repr. no. 10 p. 79 (exhibition view Rome 1975).
Adieu, exhibition catalogue, Viterbo, Ex Chiesa di San Giovanni degli Almadiani, 1998, repr. p. 26 (exhibition view Rome 1975).
Italia 2000. Arte e sistema dell’Arte, edited by A. Bonito Oliva (Madrid-Milan: ARCO Madrid and Giampaolo Prearo Editore, 2000), repr. p. 63 (exhibition view Rome 1975).
V. Mauron, Le signe incarné: ombres et reflets dans l’art contemporain (Paris: Éditions Hazan,2001), pp. 55, 100, repr. p. 71.
G. Paolini, Quattro passi. Nel museo senza muse (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2006), repr. p. 98.
Camera con vista. Arte e interni in Italia 1900-2000, exhibition catalogue, Milan, Palazzo Reale (Milan: Skira editore, 2007), repr. p. 71.
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 1 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 301 pp. 310-311, col. repr.
G. Bonomi, La disseminazione. Esplosione, frammentazione e dislocazione nell’arte contemporanea (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Editore, 2009), p. 47, repr.
Anni 70. Arte a Roma, exhibition catalogue, Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni (Rome: Iacobelli Editore, 2013), repr. p. 153 (exhibition view Rome 1975).
F. Belloni, “Incontro al museo (1968) e La ciminiera dorica (1976). Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco su Giulio Paolini”, in Ricerche di storia dell’arte 124 (Rome), 2018, p. 93, not repr.
Archivio Ugo Ferranti. Roma 1974-1985 , exhibition catalogue, Rome, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo (Rome: Quodlibet Edizioni, 2022), repr. p. 60 (exhibition view Rome 1975).
F. Belloni, “Il tutto nell’uno. Giulio Paolini e Jorge Luis Borges”, in Prospettiva 186 (Siena), April, 2022 [sic!, June, 2023], p. 80, not repr.
Giulio Paolini. A come Accademia, exhibition catalogue, Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca (Rome: Gangemi Editore, 2023), repr. pp. 144 (exhibition view Rome 1975), 146 (exhibition view Parma 1976).
Entry by Maddalena Disch, 28/02/2025