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Dal “Trionfo della rappresentazione” (cerimoniale: conquista dell’orizzonte), 1987


From “Triumph of Representation” (Ceremonial: Conquest of the Horizon)

Pencil, red pencil and collage on paper

Six parts 70 x 100 cm each, overall dimensions 70 x 650 cm

Cesare and Franca Annibaldi Collection, Turin

The six framed elements must be lined up in a row horizontally, placed at short intervals, so that the median red line corresponds to the level of the optical axis.

The iconography of the six elements placed at short intervals converges towards the central area, which coincides with a blank square torn in two and squared by red diagonals (a symbolic allusion to the artist's first painting, Disegno geometrico, 1960, GPO-0001). The side elements are brought to life by nine valets in period costumes, conceptually contained in the vanishing lines of a perspectival construction, and at the same time lined up in a row along the horizon line, traced in pencil via the succession of the six framed elements (at the viewer's eye level). The paper rectangles in different sizes scattered inside each of the elements and graduated from white to dark grey towards the edges – reproducing the background colour of the previous element each time – disperse the "radiating light" of Disegno geometrico towards the edges of the visual field.
valet de chambre, taken from French eighteenth-century theatre iconography, introduced in 1983-84 in the form of a silhouette and since 1985 also used in a photographic version, presents a particularly significant character in Paolini's poetics. The gesture of offering or handing something that defines the valet – analogous with that of presenting and observing, which distinguishes other figures in costume appearing in previous works – symbolically corresponds for Paolini to the act of representation itself, understood to be a device that guides the gaze towards the construction of an image (for instance, through the artifices of perspective). Anonymous and detached valets also refer to the role that Paolini attributes to the author: rather than inventing or demonstrating something, he limits himself to elevating the gesture of the offer to the very topic of the work. By way of the stand-in of the valet, the author exits the scene to take his seat among the audience and assume the role of the spectator, who before the work waits or listens, awaiting the offer that it announces to his gaze and that the gesture of the valet makes evident. Renouncing his role as a creator, the author who becomes spectator of the "theatre" of the work of art as such finds a way to emphasize and therefore offer to our gaze the "miracles" of the representation itself, that is, to celebrate its "triumph".
The work is part of the group of works on the same theme that began in 1983-84 with
Trionfo della rappresentazione (GPO-0507) and was developed in different formulations until 1987 (GPO-0539, GPO-0554, GPO-0562, GPO-0605).

1987 Nantes, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Giulio Paolini, 16 October - 15 December, cited in the checklist of exhibited works no. 2 p. 67, col. repr. pp. 56-57.
1988 Turin, Galleria Christian Stein, Anselmo, Bianchi, Boetti, Fabro, Kounellis, Paolini, Parmiggiani, Penone, Salvadori, Schütte, Zorio, from 15 October.
1990 Turin, Galleria Christian Stein, Group Show, 10 November 1990 - 10 January 1991.
G. Paolini in Giulio Paolini, exhibition catalogue, Milan, Studio Marconi, 1984, n. pag. (published for the first time as “A Project by Giulio Paolini: Triumph of Representation”, in Artforum 22, no. 4 (New York), December, 1983, p. 43; republished in Italian in reference to GPO-0554 in Giulio Paolini. “Tutto qui”, exhibition catalogue, Ravenna, Pinacoteca Comunale, Loggetta Lombardesca (Ravenna: Agenzia Editoriale Essegi, 1985), n. pag.
G. Paolini in the interview with C. Grenier, in Flash Art 3 (Milan, French edition), Spring, 1984, p. 41; republished in Italian in Giulio Paolini. La voce del pittore – Scritti e interviste 1965-1995, edited by M. Disch (Lugano: ADV Publishing House, 1995), p. 191 (with incorrect details in the bibliographical source).
La collection Christian Stein. Un regard sur l’art italien (Villeurbanne: Le Nouveau Musée and Art Édition, 1992), col. repr. pp. 198-199, catalogue entry pp. 295-296.
M. Disch, Giulio Paolini. Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999, vol. 2 (Milan: Skira editore, 2008), cat. no. 607 p. 623, col. repr.
Entry by Maddalena Disch, 28/02/2025